Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We give up so easy.

Love is never perfect

It's Patient, It’s Kind,

There is no need to argue,

There's no need to lie,

But as humans we get scared

With all our insecurities,

Thinking everybody is better

So begins the jealousy,

And we yearn for that love

With a feeling so unexplainable

Then hits the heart breaks

And love feels like it's unattainable,

We give up so easily,

Thinking our lives are over and done,

 Not realizing the lessons that we have just learned.

So we rush ourselves trying to fill in the hole in our hearts,

Acting surprised when it doesn't feel right and it all falls apart.

Blaming the world for our problems, yelling, "Why does this always happen to me."

Not knowing that we control our own destinies.

But we are blinded by false Love, so we don't understand,

The difference between Love and Lust so we give up again,

Over thinking our problems so we just make it worse.

Crying. Leading to depression. Depression leading to hurt.

Then we stress. Stress leading to more pain. Pain leading to anger. Anger leading to hate.

So we hate the ideal of love and that it surrounds us

And judge everyone thinking it's them you cannot trust

Most times it's true, but how will we truly know.

If we don’t give them time to grow

Look outside the box and let them glow,

But there’s a point where you have to let go

If they cannot fix the bad that they show,

So I see the dilemma, I see why we give up 

But is it worth losing hope in something called love?

1 comment:

  1. I like it.
    It hits home with some of the issues that people never want to take the time to realize and deal with.
