Monday, April 7, 2014

Love & Hate: 5th Period

5th Period
      So I should have told you  before that are school was really small. We were the first ones there, that being said, The school was full of freshman, no one to be a role model and show how we were suppose to act in school. So are first couple of weeks were bad, there were fights, and I don't mean random ones, These were planed out fights like a Fight Club only with 9th graders in the only men's bathroom there was. It was sad. I didn't partake in this foolishness I only heard about it from this guy in 5th period. But lets not get there just yet. 
My schedule looked like this:
  • Homeroom: Spanish room
  • 1st period: English
  • 2nd period: Science 
  • 3rd period: Spanish
  • 4th period: Math
  • 5th period: History
  • 6th period: Choir
Like I said our school was little so instead of explaining I drew a diagram:

         So as me and my friends left our 2nd hour I realized in 3rd hour there was no one I knew, in my 1st hour I had Wayne in there so I was ok, in 2nd hour I had all my friends so was definitely fine there, but now in a new school, new class full of new people..... What the hell am I suppose to do? 
        I walk into the class and well for a icebreaker we had to get into groups of 3, so I sat in my chair. The girl next to me asked if i would join with them..... actually this part isn't important right now, so moving on to 5th period                                                                   
     With my 3rd and 4th period not knowing anyone, I assumed that was what it was going to be like in 5th period, I was wrong. As I walk into the class room I didn't bother to look around, so I went to my far left,(Your right in the picture) and decided to look outside the window. The teacher then  walks to the front of the class,  he was pretty tall, skinny, but fit, looked as if he was still in his 20's, he had blond hair spiked up, and had very blue eyes. He stand in the front of the class looks and makes his speech.

" Hello class welcome to World History, My name is Mr.Modern you can call me Mr. M, Now what I want you to do is look around the class and find someone you haven't met already, get their name, favorite hobby, and middle school they came from."

     The guy next to me quickly turns to me and ask to be my partner, I agree to it and we start talking, he goes on to talk about off topic situations, such as how he had a cigarette in his pocket and it was lit, and how him and some other students, have this orchestrated a fight thing in the men's bathroom. He had asked me to join, said I would have to start from the bottom and fight my way up to the top fighters witch was him and a guy who later become a really good friend of mines. 
      As he went on about this offer I looked around the room daydreaming of what it would be like to fight someone just for the heck of it, That's when I saw her for the first time since second grade, she was sitting there talking to a friend and what I did next was all thanks to Third period...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Is it worth trying? Should I trust my heart?

Love is the feeling most hardest to explain.
Cause it can bring happiness
Or it can cause pain.
It can make you smile,
Or sometimes cry,
It can make you want to live or die.
This strong emotion sometimes have no words
So how can I explain why I love to the world?

I was never taught how to love
Or how it feels.
I've seen it on tv,
But is it real?
There's so many things to ask about love
So what should I know?
What will I find?
Is it worth trying ?
Or this feeling should I hide?

Some people are scared of love,
Because they're scared to get hurt,
But if you don't try,
How will you know if it won't work?
We can't judge love from what we see on tv
We can't judge love from anything we see,
Cause every love is different
Like a fingerprint, Unique.

We have to remember that Love is Patient, and it is Kind
But we have to be careful to the ones that lie,
For they may seem to be what they want you to see,
Then trick you to giving them your necessities. 

Love does not envy, 
It does not boast.
It is not proud,
To the lover or it's host.
So be careful,
Of what you say,
Cause it can be twisted  
And come back a different way.
They say it's ok to have jealousy,
But it comes back to being an insecurity.
That is not love, cause it lacks trust,
No matter what they say remember that, It's a must.

But what does it mean "it is not proud"
Does that mean I can't hold my head high, and smile?
Can I not be proud of myself that I am in love?
Please tell me, why can't I be proud of the gift from above?

It is not proud, means not to have a big head
don't fill your mind with thoughts that your the man
remember the reason why you are in love
Because it comes from God the man above,
He is love, so don't be proud of what you achieved,
Cause he helped you, so remember that please.

There is so much more about Love that you need to know.
To have a healthy relationship, these things will help it flow
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking.
So don't chase anyone down, that is not your job it's believing
That one day you'll find the one who won't break your heart,
but make sure it's honest, respectful, be smart.
Don't fall in love with one who has another, 
you don't want the drama, you don't want to go further.
Cause if they cheat on their spouse for you,
whats to say they won't cheat on you to?
But that's just an example, you'll learn as you go,
You'll make mistakes, fix them, mature, grow.

Love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
So don't bring up the past, don't argue, be strong.
For the enemy will test your love daily,
Keep the faith, be calm
Don't ever get shady,
Cause you can lose the one you love so dearly  
So treat them with respect, Love them, 
Make sure you express yourself clearly.

Cause love does not delight in evil,
But rejoices with the truth,
Never do anything you have to lie about,
Cause you'll be tested mainly when your weak
Especially  in your youth,
don't ever love for the wrong reasons,
Don't lust, lose trust, or be there for just the season.

Remember that Love
Always protects,
Always trusts,
Always hopes,
And always perseveres.
I hope that helps you understand this feeling,
This strong word

I think I understand,
I know what I must do, 
I must trust my heart,
And trust God will come through,
To guide me to help me
To lead me to my destiny,
But I must be patient,
My future I will soon see.
Thank you.
For all that you said,
It's helped me understand whats been flowing through my head.

Well I did not learn this on my own,
The verses are from God
He's the one you want to know.
He will never stray you abroad.
The Verses are his, the words he helped me say,
If you believe and trust you'll tell your son the same one day.

Inspired by             -1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Love & Hate: The Conversation

First I would like to say all my stories are true but I'm going to switch names keep it confidential . 
These stories are from my life:

The Conversation
Here is a short story of what happened to a young man named Christian, who has just started 9th grade and now has his first High school Crush, Genesis. Now they have known each other since the second grade and have always wanted to date each other, but never got the chance to do so they parted their ways after the 4th grade. After their 8th grade graduations, Genesis found Christian on Myspace ( that's how old this story is yes!) and they began talking again and found out they were going to the same high school this is the Story:

         I was sitting in our biology class at these tables set for four people to sit like this:
    It was me and my friends; Wayne, who was my best best friend, we grew up together since birth, we did almost everything together from playing games to singing in a group me and him were the definition of best friends. He was the goofy one of the group, he knew how to entertain a crowd, had the best people skills, and  was just a straight up comedian. Then there was Shawn who was the guy I had just met a year ago and we were becoming close, he was also in our singing group. I considered him the outlaw of the group,  he did what he wanted, said what he wanted, and was an outgoing person. Lastly, there was Aaron, he became my friend a couple years back  he was the shy guy of the group really good person did what he needed but had a little outlaw in him if you pushed it out but he was the quiet one. 
    So we were all sitting down chatting about what we were doing all summer, and I thought it be a good idea to bring up Genesis.

"So what you guys think about her." I said

"Yea she was in my group at orientation." Wayne replied " I think she is actually is cute."

" Yea me to" I said

 Shawn and Aaron looking confused just looked at each other and shrugged

" Who is Genesis?" Shawn asked

" Yea I have no idea who you guys are talking about." said Aaron

 Wayne taking a deep breath look at us and said 

"She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm actually thinking about asking her out."

       That's when I felt my heart drop into my stomach I didn't know what to say All I could think was;

 "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I want her I'm the one who wanted her the Whole reason of me bringing her up was to tell you guys that I wanted to be with her I have been talking to her all summer and now you have said this!!!"

        I should have said something to him, I should have told him the situation, expressed my feelings, something, Anything! This is what I said, 

"Oh.. really? I know her, do you want me to ask her for you?"

       Yea I know I should have been slapped, palm to the forehead, but I said what I said and it was to late for me, I would just talk to her for him that what I'll do, at least that's what I thought was what was going to happen then Wayne said this;

" No I'm fine I'll talk to her myself."

" Alright well good luck buddy." I said resentfully

At that point, I tuned out,I was in my own world I just didn't know what to do with myself at all, then.... 5th period happened....

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Am I crazy? Insane?

The feelings I feel for you I fight it,
Then when I see you I try to hide it,
But when I am alone and I see a photo or have a thought of you
The feeling takes over, there's nothing I can do,
So I Cry, but not Knowing why,
I get angry, wishing I could soon die,
There is to much bottled inside
I want to scream it out!
But I'm afraid of your reply.

So I keep on trying to maintain a smile on my face,
It gets harder to breath the faster my heart seems to race
Can't get it to slow down it's pace,
Cause I thought I heard someone calling your name,
But was it just my imagination?
Am I crazy? Insane?

I pray to God to take away my doubt
Please lord whats this feeling about?
I know Love is not self seeking,
But I didn't seek her out.

So what should I do,
What should I say?
Or should I do nothing
And try to numb the pain?
Is this Love?
Or am I confused ?
I feel like this is a battle I am ready to lose
Cause if this is love I don't want it to be
I'm chasing her, but she's not chasing me.

We had these moments that felt so real,
When you said those three words,
Through my body i could feel,
The harmony, the peace,
This rhythm so sweet,
My life finally complete.

But not even days away
You took it back,
Those three words,
You took it back,
This wasn't real,
You took it back,
I looked in your eyes,
You took it back,
Tell me its a lie,
... You took it back.

 I felt it crack,
It couldn't take anymore,
Splitting into pieces,
Falling to the floor,
Not knowing what to do
Losing the person I have come to adore.

But we still talk,
Keeping in touch as friends
Whats left of my heart breaks
Every time the conversation ends,
Cause I haven't seen you in such along time
All I have is photos and memories
And the wonders in my mind.

Oh how I miss holding you in my arms so tight,
Slowly kissing your lips with just the right bite,
Looking in your eyes and seeing a whole new world,
Hair falling over your face, so long, and perfectly curled

But you were never my girl,
I asked and ask
But you were never my girl,
Technically we are is what you said,
But you were never my girl,
In private you treated me like were,
But you were never my girl.

I was introduced as friend to anyone I would meet,
You didn't know how that cut me so deep,
It pained me but I smiled anyway,
Fighting the tears and trying to pray.

These feeling I have will never go away,
But should I move on or should I stay?
Is there a chance that we could be?
Or should I lose hope, and come to my reality?