Thursday, February 13, 2014

Is it worth trying? Should I trust my heart?

Love is the feeling most hardest to explain.
Cause it can bring happiness
Or it can cause pain.
It can make you smile,
Or sometimes cry,
It can make you want to live or die.
This strong emotion sometimes have no words
So how can I explain why I love to the world?

I was never taught how to love
Or how it feels.
I've seen it on tv,
But is it real?
There's so many things to ask about love
So what should I know?
What will I find?
Is it worth trying ?
Or this feeling should I hide?

Some people are scared of love,
Because they're scared to get hurt,
But if you don't try,
How will you know if it won't work?
We can't judge love from what we see on tv
We can't judge love from anything we see,
Cause every love is different
Like a fingerprint, Unique.

We have to remember that Love is Patient, and it is Kind
But we have to be careful to the ones that lie,
For they may seem to be what they want you to see,
Then trick you to giving them your necessities. 

Love does not envy, 
It does not boast.
It is not proud,
To the lover or it's host.
So be careful,
Of what you say,
Cause it can be twisted  
And come back a different way.
They say it's ok to have jealousy,
But it comes back to being an insecurity.
That is not love, cause it lacks trust,
No matter what they say remember that, It's a must.

But what does it mean "it is not proud"
Does that mean I can't hold my head high, and smile?
Can I not be proud of myself that I am in love?
Please tell me, why can't I be proud of the gift from above?

It is not proud, means not to have a big head
don't fill your mind with thoughts that your the man
remember the reason why you are in love
Because it comes from God the man above,
He is love, so don't be proud of what you achieved,
Cause he helped you, so remember that please.

There is so much more about Love that you need to know.
To have a healthy relationship, these things will help it flow
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking.
So don't chase anyone down, that is not your job it's believing
That one day you'll find the one who won't break your heart,
but make sure it's honest, respectful, be smart.
Don't fall in love with one who has another, 
you don't want the drama, you don't want to go further.
Cause if they cheat on their spouse for you,
whats to say they won't cheat on you to?
But that's just an example, you'll learn as you go,
You'll make mistakes, fix them, mature, grow.

Love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
So don't bring up the past, don't argue, be strong.
For the enemy will test your love daily,
Keep the faith, be calm
Don't ever get shady,
Cause you can lose the one you love so dearly  
So treat them with respect, Love them, 
Make sure you express yourself clearly.

Cause love does not delight in evil,
But rejoices with the truth,
Never do anything you have to lie about,
Cause you'll be tested mainly when your weak
Especially  in your youth,
don't ever love for the wrong reasons,
Don't lust, lose trust, or be there for just the season.

Remember that Love
Always protects,
Always trusts,
Always hopes,
And always perseveres.
I hope that helps you understand this feeling,
This strong word

I think I understand,
I know what I must do, 
I must trust my heart,
And trust God will come through,
To guide me to help me
To lead me to my destiny,
But I must be patient,
My future I will soon see.
Thank you.
For all that you said,
It's helped me understand whats been flowing through my head.

Well I did not learn this on my own,
The verses are from God
He's the one you want to know.
He will never stray you abroad.
The Verses are his, the words he helped me say,
If you believe and trust you'll tell your son the same one day.

Inspired by             -1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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