Saturday, February 8, 2014

Love & Hate: The Conversation

First I would like to say all my stories are true but I'm going to switch names keep it confidential . 
These stories are from my life:

The Conversation
Here is a short story of what happened to a young man named Christian, who has just started 9th grade and now has his first High school Crush, Genesis. Now they have known each other since the second grade and have always wanted to date each other, but never got the chance to do so they parted their ways after the 4th grade. After their 8th grade graduations, Genesis found Christian on Myspace ( that's how old this story is yes!) and they began talking again and found out they were going to the same high school this is the Story:

         I was sitting in our biology class at these tables set for four people to sit like this:
    It was me and my friends; Wayne, who was my best best friend, we grew up together since birth, we did almost everything together from playing games to singing in a group me and him were the definition of best friends. He was the goofy one of the group, he knew how to entertain a crowd, had the best people skills, and  was just a straight up comedian. Then there was Shawn who was the guy I had just met a year ago and we were becoming close, he was also in our singing group. I considered him the outlaw of the group,  he did what he wanted, said what he wanted, and was an outgoing person. Lastly, there was Aaron, he became my friend a couple years back  he was the shy guy of the group really good person did what he needed but had a little outlaw in him if you pushed it out but he was the quiet one. 
    So we were all sitting down chatting about what we were doing all summer, and I thought it be a good idea to bring up Genesis.

"So what you guys think about her." I said

"Yea she was in my group at orientation." Wayne replied " I think she is actually is cute."

" Yea me to" I said

 Shawn and Aaron looking confused just looked at each other and shrugged

" Who is Genesis?" Shawn asked

" Yea I have no idea who you guys are talking about." said Aaron

 Wayne taking a deep breath look at us and said 

"She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm actually thinking about asking her out."

       That's when I felt my heart drop into my stomach I didn't know what to say All I could think was;

 "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I want her I'm the one who wanted her the Whole reason of me bringing her up was to tell you guys that I wanted to be with her I have been talking to her all summer and now you have said this!!!"

        I should have said something to him, I should have told him the situation, expressed my feelings, something, Anything! This is what I said, 

"Oh.. really? I know her, do you want me to ask her for you?"

       Yea I know I should have been slapped, palm to the forehead, but I said what I said and it was to late for me, I would just talk to her for him that what I'll do, at least that's what I thought was what was going to happen then Wayne said this;

" No I'm fine I'll talk to her myself."

" Alright well good luck buddy." I said resentfully

At that point, I tuned out,I was in my own world I just didn't know what to do with myself at all, then.... 5th period happened....

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